Service Process
Our services may require visitation to businesses and homes or a lab evaluation of your system. Therefore, email exchange is appropriate to provide legal record and documentation of requests, invitations, agreed services and property exchange.
1. State what you are experiencing
Explain what you are trying to achieve and your obstacle
2. State what you expect
Explain how it should be working
3. List the system details
A. Computer / mobil Tablet / Smart Phone
B. Function (use)
C. Primary user (you / other)
D. Make / model / Year
E. Operating System / Software being used
4. State what you want: Service on location, or by mail.
*Computers evaluated on location may require removal to lab for in-depth troubleshooting of physical repair.
Responses will be returned with a Computer RESCUE service tracking number (Ex. 20190813-001) and appropriate questions for complete information and clarification or to accept your service request.
Service BY MAIL
If you are geographically seperated and elcet our services, You can send your computer by mail. Follow the contact